Monday, March 05, 2007


This is a morning for ATL news. I just read in US Magazine that Usher is engaged to long time, ATL hottie. I met her once with Usher and she seems like a sweet girl. I met them both when Usher and I were doing The View. I must admit I was shocked that for such a big, big star, Usher was so sweet and nice. His mother raised him right. Very personable and ladies, he is even an animal lover. Clay Aiken with his pooch was there too. Just so you know, he's not such a big star and not so nice. I was extremely unimpressed. I guess he was worried that JOY would ask him abut his sexual preference.


Anonymous said...

The Clay comment sounds like a clearly unprofessional comment if I ever read one. Stick to talking about pets.

Which "pooch" was there with Clay anyway? Just curious. Did you even meet him?

BTW, Clay is so beyond caring about what people think about his sexual preferance. If you know Clay at all, you would know that. I guess you don't know him at all judging by the comment.


Anonymous said...

The Clay comment sounds like a clearly unprofessional comment if I ever read one. Stick to talking about pets.

Which "pooch" was there with Clay anyway? Just curious. Did you even meet him?

BTW, Clay is so beyond caring about what people think about his sexual preferance. If you know Clay at all, you would know that. I guess you don't know him at all judging by the comment.


Anonymous said...

Oh Charlotte, you committed the number one sin,dare talk negative about the former artist known as Clay Aiken. Don't be surprised of the posts like the first one. You will be called unprofessional, remind you to stick to talking about pets (Clay is an ass, so I guess you were right to address him)and next thing you'll know they will be spamming your blog with negative posts like the first one. It's the claymate "duty" to belittle anyone who doesn't worship him, but you did right by calling it as you saw it. Don't let them intimidate you with their posts or threats (oh yeah, they are good at that too) because I'm sure your addry is being passed on as we speak and calls to post here are being made. They "have to" defend Clay's honor (bwahaha).

Thanks for showing your readers that it's not just us (former fans and non-fans) who see the REAL Clay for what he is.
(I'm sure that if Usher was there along with Clay, he must've been angry if all the attention went to Usher. The diva bitch hates not being the center of the universe).

Anonymous said...

I love Usher . He is so cool !!11! I've never met him but I hope I will someday . Does he have a dog ? Me and my sister met Clay . I love him too . He was super nice and so funny . We talked about Raleigh and Molly my baby black lab . He signed my t shirt .

Anonymous said...

When was Clay on The View with Usher? Or was Clay just visiting?

Anonymous said...

Could you tell me when Clay and Usher were on The View together?

I don't recall that appearance.


Anonymous said...

I love Usher too! Oh Charlotte! How very strange! Usher was a guest on the View on September 21st and you were a guest on Sept.22 when Clay Aiken sang- remember ATDW had just been released.( That's how the View website gives their schedule) Even stranger, this was in September 2006 and you bring this to your blog on March 5,2007. Why is it important now- six months after the fact? And if he was not nice, what did he do to warrant that remark? Did he ignore you? Did he say something nasty to you? Did he not like your dog fashions? Did he giggle when he saw what you were doing? Come on- Inquiring Minds want to know!!!

And KT if you showed anything by your comment it was how very ignorant and hateful former fans and non fans are.

Anonymous said...

I guess he was worried that JOY would ask him abut his sexual preference.
Oooh did YOU ask him instead of Joy?

How did you meet Usher if he wasn't on the same day you were? Was he there rehearsing?

Did Clay's dog bite you? Is that why you said he wasn't nice? What did he do to you that made you blog about it? Did HE bite you?? HAHA

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above poster that asked why six months later.

Also, if you are going to say he wasn't nice, why don't you tell us something to back up your claim.

Anonymous said...

Why does this blog have a link to that other blog with all the nasty people on it? What is the connection? If I owned this blog I would cut that connection fast. They suck you up and spit you out when they have no further use for you. They have spent the last four years going after Clay Aiken. Their vileness knows no limit.

You don't have to like Clay Aiken. That's fine by me but when this blog links with that other, and I know what they do, my suspicions radar activates and your comments become suspect as well. But I don't see an answer to any of the questions asked above.

"So he is not a big star and he wasn't nice" Two reasons to make him a nobody to you. I know lots of people like that- not big stars and not nice but I don't run to cyberspace to cast aspersions on them.They are just not important in my reality. Why then did you make him important in yours by commenting on him on a public blog?

Anonymous said...

Oh well, one more person who doesn't like Clay. We can't all like the same people. It is what makes life interesting.However I can tell you aren't a very nice person to even put that in print. Without reason, it was just your opinion and no one asked for it. Apparently, bashing Clay feels good to some people. Bashing anyone at all without reason, should feel really bad.

Anonymous said...

How come the other comments were not posted? How come there were no answers?

Anonymous said...

Everyone has the same question I had. Why would this be posted several months after the fact and how could it happen when the meetings were one two separate days. Never mind. Don't even answer that. It is sooooooo obvious what this is.