Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Attn: All Pet Rock-N-Rollers

Yesterday, I found this picture up, near the masthead of the New York Times. (It has since been replaced by a picture Tiger Woods, an ad for the Masters.) The picture looks as if Neil is driving down the road with his companion pet, a Golden Doodle. Moreover, once you clicked on the picture, it beams you over to his new website for his new album, Fork in the Road. I didn't sample all the songs but it seems as if Neil is back. Well, at least back for me. The album is cool.

I first met Neil Young via mutual friend, Tim Drummond. It was in the time of the Shocking Pinks. He was younger; Hell, I was younger. The meeting happened after the concert. The friend with me said that I just glowed in his presence. Light emerged from my whole body. I said, "What do you expect? I was in love-with him. I also remember I really enjoyed drinking my long neck, Budweiser beer that night. The way I remember it, was that it was the coldest and yummiest beer that I have ever drank.

If you have a chance, thank him for me. I never had the chance to thank him for Rust Never Sleeps, one of my all time favorite album's.

Love and Kisses,


1 comment:

Leigh of GoFetchGifts.com said...

Oh I love Neil Young! I was just telling this story today to someone I met because his name was Cortez!

A friend of mine works on tours, and once worked for Neil. I was backstage at one of his Greendale shows, dressed in my "natural" attire, when the producer spotted me and asked if I wanted to be in the show!!! I didn't know what that meant I was to do, but I said sure!!!

So I got to be one of the dancers and one of the angry townspeople that day. And I didn't even get a picture of me on stage with Neil Young. Harumph.