Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Dogs Heal

Unlike most folks, I never really sleep late. The responsibilities of animals always call so early in the morning. And yes, on Sunday morning too. Usually, when doing daily chores on Sunday, I treat myself to a listen of the telly but generally, I listen half-heartedly. But last Sunday, I was intrigued by a preview of a dog story on CBS so I didn't change the channel and I listened up. To my amazement, I even took a break from my Dyson. And just like Brooke Shields in the 80's...nothing comes between me and my Dyson.

In his report, CBS columnist discussed how getting a dog is the answer to not only the recession but works as a remedy to life's woes. Mr. Stein first got a dog when he moved to New York City because he was lonely. I didn't picture him as a Weimaraner or Short-Haired Pointer man but then, again most people never think of me as Jewish. Additionally, in his report, he mentioned adopting a dog from a shelter. Good Man

I really should have you watch the story for yourself here .

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